Columbiana County, OH Obituaries
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Dianna Elaine Rickard
Posted: 08/15/2024
Dianna Rickard Obituary
SALEM - Dianna Elaine Rickard, 80, passed away peacefully Tuesday, August 13, 2024. She was born June 20, 1944, in Youngstown, daughter of the late Chester David and Pearl (Myers) Rickard.
Dianna graduated from Girard High School in 1962 where she played in the band, worked on the yearbook and was in the Future Teachers of America. She was an avid reader and had a passion for genealogy, puzzles and interior design. She had a love like no other for her family and friends, unless Judge Judy was on TV. Dianna loved being a teacher teaching English and Mythology at United Local Schools. She spoke of her former students often, keeping in touch with them until her passing. Her passion for helping young minds also translated into hosting five children from Belarus in her home with the Children of Chernobyl organization and organizing donations of toiletries and toys to send to Belarus through Friends from Afar. Her family and friends will miss the light and laughter s